
Saturday 19 November 2011

Hari Unfriend Kebangsaan di Facebook. (17 November 2011)

Tadi jalan-jalan dekat internet, jumpa info menarik perhatian. Rupanya  dua hari lepas (17 November) merupakan Hari  Unfriend Kebangsaan dekat Facebook. Jimmy Kimmel telah mengisytiharkan hari tersebut sebagai hari di mana pengguna Facebook boleh memotong 'friend fat' dan sesetengah 'kawan' yang tidak diperlukan. Kedengaran agak kasar, tetapi inilah hakikatnya kebaikan dan keburukan social networking,

Mari kita lihat 10 sebab kenapa anda kena unfriend orang dekat friendlist facebook anda. Terima dengan hati yang terbuka ok. HahahAHHAHhahahahha

1) They’re Your Parents

It’s bad enough that your mother comments on or likes every single status or photo you post (seriously—every. single. one), but when you start getting phone calls about that “inappropriate” photo or comment on your wall, you know it’s time to unfriend.

2) They’re Your Ex

True there is something to be said about staying friends with your ex (er, on Facebook that is). Especially if you’ve moved on and your life is going swimmingly. But if it’s their life that seems like the Facebook victory (new relationship, great job, whatever) and you still harbor the torch, it’s time to lose them. Petty and immature? Maybe. But really who needs that?

3) You Don’t Know Them

Why did you add/accept them as a friend in the first place? No questions asked, lose ‘em.
4) You Would Never Say Hi to Them in Real Life
We all have them on our Facebook—people who are our “friends” but you’d never in a million years say hi to if you bumped into them on the street. Or alternatively, you have bumped into them in the street and they did not say hi to you. Either way, they are completely unnecessary to your life—even online.

5) They Invite You to a Million Events

You might be thinking, “what?” on this one, but hear me out. While initially it might seem sweet and thoughtful that you are being invited to loads of things from someone, you might want to re-evaluate. What sort of things are they inviting you to? Are they inviting everyone on their friend list? Is it because they actually want you there or you just space filler? Are the events even in your are? If they aren't sincere invites, maybe they shouldn't be your friend.

6) They Are in Loooovvvve

Not only that, they won’t shut up about it. NewsFeed loves love, but that doesn’t mean we want it shoved down our throats via status updates. If someone is constantly updating their status with sugary-sweet posts about their significant other it doesn’t seem loving. It seems phony and it’s definitely worthy of an unfriending.

7) They Bring You Down

You know the types—always complaining, always negative. They seem to hate everything, except writing on Facebook about how much they hate everything, that is. Negative people drag your mood down, whether they are negative in real time or on Facebook. You don’t want to log in and be confronted with update after update of downers.

8) They Send You Dozens of Quizzes and Game Invites

Just… no

9) You’ve Already Hidden Them From Your NewsFeed

If someone’s posts annoy you enough to warrant blocking them from your NewsFeed maybe you shouldn’t be friends with them anyway? Sure, unfriending seems a lot harsher than hiding them (which they never have to know about) but it’s just Facebook. They’ll get over it.

10) You Don’t Want Them Privy to Your Social (Media) Life

Everyone is social, but not everyone needs to see you being social. Whether it’s a colleague, a boss, a teacher or a grandparent, if there’s someone out there that you don’t want seeing photos of you out with friends or inside jokes that are posted on your wall, delete them. And for future reference, don’t add these people in the first place.


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